How to Win Back Your Boyfriend

You are now his ex-girlfriend but your heart is wanting him back after the breakup. Return your ex to home and get back together with your boyfriend.

You Will Need

  • Self-esteem
  • Confidence
  • Positivity
  • Friends and family
  • Exercise
  • Healthy diet
  • Support
  • Patience
  • Activities
How to Win Back Your Boyfriend: Love yourself

Step 1: Love yourself

Love yourself first and be confident with who you are.
How to Win Back Your Boyfriend: Be positive

Step 2: Be positive

Have a positive attitude. Spend time with your friends and family, get a new haircut, and treat your body well with exercise and a healthy diet. Take time for yourself and have fun.
How to Win Back Your Boyfriend: Be supportive

Step 3: Be supportive

Put aside any negative feelings and be supportive of him when needed.
How to Win Back Your Boyfriend: Ask him out

Step 4: Ask him out

Ask him out.
How to Win Back Your Boyfriend: Be patient

Step 5: Be patient

Be patient. It may take him time before he accepts the offer or even feels he can trust you.
Avoid stalking him by phone, e-mail, text, or in person.
How to Win Back Your Boyfriend: Reminisce

Step 6: Reminisce

Reminisce about all of the good times you had together and enjoy some time doing things you both like.
How to Win Back Your Boyfriend: Go slow

Step 7: Go slow

Take things slowly, be yourself, win back your boyfriend, and live happily ever after.
Early on in a relationship, 78 percent of women would decline an intimate rendezvous if they had not shaved their legs or underarms.

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