How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho

He calls 50 times a day, obsesses over every date, and gets jealous when you talk to other guys—is he crazy about you, or just plain crazy?

You Will Need

  • An open mind
  • Friends you trust
  • A sexy outfit
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Make him jealous

Step 1: Make him jealous

Psychos are usually possessive, so test him by doing a small thing to make him jealous—like sharing your secret crush on a celebrity you’re unlikely ever to meet—and see whether he overreacts.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Pay attention

Step 2: Pay attention

Pay attention to whether or not he attempts to dictate how everything around him is done. Punctuality is one thing, being a control freak is another.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Dress sexy

Step 3: Dress sexy

Go out with him in an outfit that’s more revealing than you’d normally wear and see if he tries to dictate the way you dress.
When dealing with a control freak, stay as calm as possible. This can serve to relax them as well. If you match their level of aggression, you’ve chosen to fight on their terms—not yours.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Watch the waiter

Step 4: Watch the waiter

At dinner, observe how he interacts with the waiter. A philosophy popularly known as the “Waiter Rule” makes the claim that you can learn more about a person from how they treat a waiter than from how they treat you.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Ask your friends

Step 5: Ask your friends

Ask your friends what they honestly think of your guy. Many times they can see flaws that you overlook.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Flirt

Step 6: Flirt

Watch how he reacts when you flirt with other men. If he flies into a rage, he has definite jealousy issues.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Pick a fight

Step 7: Pick a fight

Pick a fight over something stupid, like the drink he spilled at dinner. If he flies into a rage, he’s a bit unstable.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Hang on

Step 8: Hang on

If after all these little tests your guy hasn’t gone bonkers, hold on tight! You’ve found a keeper.
Ninety-two percent of American serial killers are men.

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