How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You

What’s even more frightening to men than “We need to talk?” How about: “I want you to meet my parents.”

You Will Need

  • A shower, a shave, and a haircut
  • A firm handshake
  • And a hostess gift
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Find out about them

Step 1: Find out about them

Find out as much as you can about her parents. Are they ultra-conservative? Aging hippies? Avid travelers? Obsessed golfers?
Knowing a bit about them will help you decide how to dress and which way to steer the conversation.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Get haircut & clean nails

Step 2: Get haircut & clean nails

Get a haircut—even if it’s just a trim—and clean your fingernails. This tells her parents that you think enough of their daughter to make an effort.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Ask girlfriend what to wear

Step 3: Ask girlfriend what to wear

Ask your girlfriend’s advice on what you should wear—and then take it. If you have any doubt, go for pants and a button-down or collared shirt.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Bring a gift

Step 4: Bring a gift

Bring a gift. A bouquet of flowers or a bottle of wine are usually appropriate.
If you bring flowers, include an inexpensive vase so your hosts don’t have to scramble around for one.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Introduce yourself

Step 5: Introduce yourself

When you’re introduced, smile, look her parents directly in the eyes, and extend your hand. Nothing says “I can take care of your daughter” better than a firm handshake.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Ask lots of questions

Step 6: Ask lots of questions

Ask lots of questions; people love to talk about themselves.
Score extra points by asking what your girlfriend was like as a child.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Use etiquette

Step 7: Use etiquette

Remember those little etiquette rules your mom used to nag you about? Use them! Hold doors open, pull out the ladies’ chairs, and stand up anytime a woman enters or leaves the room.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Be prepared

Step 8: Be prepared

Be prepared to answer lots of probing questions about your background and life goals. Grin and bear it.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Say thank you

Step 9: Say thank you

When you leave, thank her parents for the evening. Single out something to make it sound sincere, such as, “Thanks so much for dinner. That pot roast was really delicious.”
A survey of single people found that 42% of them wait six months or more before bringing a significant other home.

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