How To Find Your First College Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Are you surrounded by lovelorn singles, but still can’t seem to make a love connection? Try this.

You Will Need

  • A pleasant personality
  • A willingness to try new things
  • And a little courage
How To Find Your First College Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Get involved in campus activities

Step 1: Get involved in campus activities

Get involved in campus activities that interest you. You’ll have fun and meet like-minded people.
How To Find Your First College Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Multi-task in class

Step 2: Multi-task in class

Multi-task in class. If there’s someone you’re interested in, make sure to look nice, try to sit near them, and come up with an excuse to talk to them.
If you’re interested in someone who belongs to a fraternity or sorority, make sure to attend all of its open functions.
How To Find Your First College Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Throw a 'potluck' party

Step 3: Throw a 'potluck' party

Throw a “potluck” party at your dorm—only guests have to bring a savory friend rather than a dish.
How To Find Your First College Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Vary your routine

Step 4: Vary your routine

Vary your routine. If you always eat lunch at the same time and always walk the same route to class, you’re going to see—yup—the same people every day.
How To Find Your First College Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Strike up conversations

Step 5: Strike up conversations

Strike up conversations. Imagine how many hook-ups never take place simply because both parties were too shy to say something.
Don’t only chat up people you’re attracted to—you know never who might have a cute friend they could introduce you to!
How To Find Your First College Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Get real

Step 6: Get real

Get real. Trophy wives aside, most people marry someone of about the same attractiveness. So if you’re no Angelina Jolie, don’t pin all your hopes on Brad Pitt, and vice versa.
How To Find Your First College Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Transfer to Seattle

Step 7: Transfer to Seattle

If all else fails, transfer to Seattle. One study rated it the number one place to hook up out of 80 cities in the U.S.
A study of speed daters showed that women are much choosier than men when it comes to dating.

How To Bring Home a Date When You Have a Roommate

Having a date over to your place for the first time is nerve-racking enough without having to worry about your embarrassing roommate.

You Will Need

  • Careful planning
  • Diplomatic skills
  • A little luck
  • Some snacks and drinks to offer your guest
How To Bring Home a Date When You Have a Roommate: Tell roommate

Step 1: Tell roommate

Tell your roommate that you will be bringing a date home. Hopefully, this will ensure that you don’t happen upon any unwanted surprises.
How To Bring Home a Date When You Have a Roommate: Establish a code

Step 2: Establish a code

Establish a code that you’ll use when you want the roommate to excuse himself. Ideally, it should be a phrase that will flow smoothly into the conversation, like, “Would you like something to eat?”
Speaking of food, make sure your roommate knows that the fine Champagne and goose liver pate in the fridge are not for him.
How To Bring Home a Date When You Have a Roommate: Forewarn your date

Step 3: Forewarn your date

Forewarn your date about any of your housemate’s weird traits and tics. It helps if they’re prepared for the worst.
This is your opportunity to blame anything embarrassing about your dwelling—like the stained carpeting or garbage bin brimming with beer cans—on your roomie.
How To Bring Home a Date When You Have a Roommate: Find things in common

Step 4: Find things in common

Come up with a few things your date and your roommate have in common so you won’t face awkward silence once the introductions are made.
Have your roommate present the snacks and drinks with an ease that says, “We enjoy this civilized ritual every night.”
How To Bring Home a Date When You Have a Roommate: Laugh at roomie's expense

Step 5: Laugh at roomie's expense

Enjoy a few laughs at your roomie’s expense when he leaves the room. Unwarranted cruelty is always a great way to bond.
In one poll, 12% of renters said they liked having a roommate so much they wouldn’t rent without one.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You

There are lots of subtle clues that will let you know if a guy is interested in you that way, or just sees you as a friend.

You Will Need

  • Courage to make the first move
  • Good observational skills
  • Hints to drop
How To Tell If a Guy Likes You: Gauge his interest

Step 1: Gauge his interest

Find a reason to chat him up. If he seems happy that you said hello or if he responds to your text message right away, that’s a good sign. Guys generally don’t play hard to get, so what you see is what you get.
How To Tell If a Guy Likes You: See if he shows off

Step 2: See if he shows off

Notice how he acts when you’re around. If he gets all loud and jokey with his friends or starts showing off in some way, he’s probably trying to impress you.
Look at his pupils when you make eye contact; if he’s attracted to you, they’ll get bigger.
How To Tell If a Guy Likes You: Check out his chest

Step 3: Check out his chest

Check out his chest. Is he sticking it out a little when he talks to you? Men subconsciously “puff up” around females they’re interested in. It has to do with evolution: He’s sending the message that he’s strong enough to protect you.
How To Tell If a Guy Likes You: Watch his hands

Step 4: Watch his hands

Watch his hands. Men who are attracted to someone tend to touch their earlobes. His ears may turn a bit red, too.
How To Tell If a Guy Likes You: Talk about what you like

Step 5: Talk about what you like

Mention something you like – a type of food, a local sports team – and see what he says. It’s human nature to respond positively when someone we like gives their opinion.
Ask him to help you with something, whether it’s carrying a heavy item or giving you advice. Guys love to “rescue” girls.
How To Tell If a Guy Likes You: Drop a hint

Step 6: Drop a hint

Drop a hint like, “I’m hoping to catch a game the next time the team is in town,” and see what he says. It will provide an opening even the shyest guy can’t ignore!
How To Tell If a Guy Likes You: Ask him out

Step 7: Ask him out

He’s not biting? Ask him out. It’s the fastest way to find out his feelings for sure.
Did you know?In a study of reunited childhood sweethearts, the most successful rekindled romances were between lost loves who were 17 or younger at the time they first fell in love.

How To Be a Good Girlfriend

Standing by your man doesn’t mean trotting behind him—or dragging him around on a leash. A little respect—for him, and for yourself, will go a long way.

You Will Need

  • An upbeat personality
  • An independent streak
  • An adventurous spirit
How To Be a Good Girlfriend: Make your life happy

Step 1: Make your life happy

Make your life happy and fulfilling without him. Contrary to popular belief, men want women who are fun and fascinating even more than they want a pretty face.
Don’t pretend to be unavailable—be unavailable. Staying busy makes you seem more valuable—and gives you plenty to talk about!
How To Be a Good Girlfriend: Limit the talks

Step 2: Limit the talks

Limit the “we need to talk” talks. Most men despise having to analyze the relationship.
How To Be a Good Girlfriend: Embrace his friends

Step 3: Embrace his friends

Embrace his friends. Keep your criticism of them to yourself, and don’t complain when he wants to spend time with them.
How To Be a Good Girlfriend: Tailor your compliments

Step 4: Tailor your compliments

Tailor your compliments. Research shows men would rather be praised for a special quality of theirs, like having a great sense of humor, than being told they look good.
How To Be a Good Girlfriend: Be adventurous

Step 5: Be adventurous

Be adventurous. Scientists have found that the parts of the brain that are activated when we first fall in love are re-stimulated by adventure and novelty.
Adventure can be as bold as skydiving or as ordinary as taking a photography course—the key is doing something fun and new together.
How To Be a Good Girlfriend: Practice bathroom etiquette

Step 6: Practice bathroom etiquette

Practice good bathroom etiquette. One survey found that men’s top pet peeves are women’s hair all over the bathroom, mirrors coated with hairspray, and women who try to talk to them while they’re using the toilet.
Ninety-seven percent of men responding to a Men’s Health magazine poll said they like their girlfriend to show affection for them in public.

How To Be a Good Boyfriend

without becoming totally whipped. Trust us: the rewards will be well worth it.

You Will Need

  • Thoughtfulness
  • Attention to detail
  • And a generous nature
How To Be a Good Boyfriend: Be respectful

Step 1: Be respectful

Be respectful and considerate. Professional matchmakers say the vast majority of women request men with those qualities.
Put the toilet seat down. It’s the number one complaint women have about men, according to one survey and spitting isn’t far behind.
How To Be a Good Boyfriend: Listen and respond

Step 2: Listen and respond

Listen attentively and respond accordingly. If she tells you she has a big exam in the morning, call her that afternoon to see how it went. Better yet, sneak an encouraging note into her purse.
Give her your undivided attention. Don’t ask, “How was your day?” while turning on the TV.
How To Be a Good Boyfriend: Send flowers

Step 3: Send flowers

Send flowers for no reason. All it takes is a phone call and a credit card!
Send her favorite flower, rather than the standard red roses, or present her with something personal, like a book or CD you know she’d like.
How To Be a Good Boyfriend: Show her off

Step 4: Show her off

Show her off. Not being introduced to a boyfriend’s friends is a number one pet peeve with women.
How To Be a Good Boyfriend: Make her laugh

Step 5: Make her laugh

Maintain your sense of humor. Seventy percent of singles say a person who makes them laugh is even more attractive than someone who makes them think.
In a recent Hallmark magazine survey, women voted for dinner at their favorite restaurant and a movie of their choice as the perfect date.

How To Make Your Boyfriend's Parents Like You

Don’t underestimate the influence your guy’s parents have over him. The smart woman knows the value of steering them into her corner.

You Will Need

  • A pleasant demeanor
  • A conservative outfit
  • A gift
  • And a thank-you note
How To Make Your Boyfriend's Parents Like You: Quiz boyfriend

Step 1: Quiz boyfriend

Quiz your boyfriend. Are his parents liberal or conservative? Religious or agnostic? What are their hobbies? Did they take a recent trip?
The more you know, the better you’ll be able to make pleasant chitchat and avoid conversational minefields.
How To Make Your Boyfriend's Parents Like You: Dress conservatively

Step 2: Dress conservatively

Err on the conservative side with your clothing. You shouldn’t feel like you have to lose your style entirely, but avoid midriff blouses, low-low riders, stilettos, and anything skintight.
How To Make Your Boyfriend's Parents Like You: Tone down makeup

Step 3: Tone down makeup

Tone down the makeup.
Wear clear gloss or neutral-colored lipstick. You don’t want his folks to be reluctant to get close to you for fear of greasy lipstick stains.
How To Make Your Boyfriend's Parents Like You: Bring a gift

Step 4: Bring a gift

Bring a gift. You can’t go wrong with a bouquet of flowers. Hydrangeas, mums, sweetheart roses, and lilies will stay fresh for several days.
If you’re in it to win it, send the flowers to his mother a few days before the get-together with a card saying you’re looking forward to meeting her. It’s sucking up, but it works.
How To Make Your Boyfriend's Parents Like You: Pitch in

Step 5: Pitch in

Pitch in. No one likes a guest who sits around waiting to be served. The more you help, the more his family will see you as part of the gang.
How To Make Your Boyfriend's Parents Like You: Don't correct or criticize

Step 6: Don't correct or criticize

Don’t correct or criticize your boyfriend—it’s the fastest way to make an enemy of his adoring mom. In fact, slip in some compliments.
How To Make Your Boyfriend's Parents Like You: Send a thank-you note

Step 7: Send a thank-you note

Send a written thank-you note. Old-fashioned? Yes. But very impressive.
In a 2004 survey, half the men said they’d be willing to let their in-laws visit as often as they liked in exchange for their wife letting them buy a plasma TV!

How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You

What’s even more frightening to men than “We need to talk?” How about: “I want you to meet my parents.”

You Will Need

  • A shower, a shave, and a haircut
  • A firm handshake
  • And a hostess gift
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Find out about them

Step 1: Find out about them

Find out as much as you can about her parents. Are they ultra-conservative? Aging hippies? Avid travelers? Obsessed golfers?
Knowing a bit about them will help you decide how to dress and which way to steer the conversation.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Get haircut & clean nails

Step 2: Get haircut & clean nails

Get a haircut—even if it’s just a trim—and clean your fingernails. This tells her parents that you think enough of their daughter to make an effort.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Ask girlfriend what to wear

Step 3: Ask girlfriend what to wear

Ask your girlfriend’s advice on what you should wear—and then take it. If you have any doubt, go for pants and a button-down or collared shirt.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Bring a gift

Step 4: Bring a gift

Bring a gift. A bouquet of flowers or a bottle of wine are usually appropriate.
If you bring flowers, include an inexpensive vase so your hosts don’t have to scramble around for one.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Introduce yourself

Step 5: Introduce yourself

When you’re introduced, smile, look her parents directly in the eyes, and extend your hand. Nothing says “I can take care of your daughter” better than a firm handshake.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Ask lots of questions

Step 6: Ask lots of questions

Ask lots of questions; people love to talk about themselves.
Score extra points by asking what your girlfriend was like as a child.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Use etiquette

Step 7: Use etiquette

Remember those little etiquette rules your mom used to nag you about? Use them! Hold doors open, pull out the ladies’ chairs, and stand up anytime a woman enters or leaves the room.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Be prepared

Step 8: Be prepared

Be prepared to answer lots of probing questions about your background and life goals. Grin and bear it.
How To Make Your Girlfriend's Parents Like You: Say thank you

Step 9: Say thank you

When you leave, thank her parents for the evening. Single out something to make it sound sincere, such as, “Thanks so much for dinner. That pot roast was really delicious.”
A survey of single people found that 42% of them wait six months or more before bringing a significant other home.

How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho

He calls 50 times a day, obsesses over every date, and gets jealous when you talk to other guys—is he crazy about you, or just plain crazy?

You Will Need

  • An open mind
  • Friends you trust
  • A sexy outfit
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Make him jealous

Step 1: Make him jealous

Psychos are usually possessive, so test him by doing a small thing to make him jealous—like sharing your secret crush on a celebrity you’re unlikely ever to meet—and see whether he overreacts.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Pay attention

Step 2: Pay attention

Pay attention to whether or not he attempts to dictate how everything around him is done. Punctuality is one thing, being a control freak is another.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Dress sexy

Step 3: Dress sexy

Go out with him in an outfit that’s more revealing than you’d normally wear and see if he tries to dictate the way you dress.
When dealing with a control freak, stay as calm as possible. This can serve to relax them as well. If you match their level of aggression, you’ve chosen to fight on their terms—not yours.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Watch the waiter

Step 4: Watch the waiter

At dinner, observe how he interacts with the waiter. A philosophy popularly known as the “Waiter Rule” makes the claim that you can learn more about a person from how they treat a waiter than from how they treat you.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Ask your friends

Step 5: Ask your friends

Ask your friends what they honestly think of your guy. Many times they can see flaws that you overlook.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Flirt

Step 6: Flirt

Watch how he reacts when you flirt with other men. If he flies into a rage, he has definite jealousy issues.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Pick a fight

Step 7: Pick a fight

Pick a fight over something stupid, like the drink he spilled at dinner. If he flies into a rage, he’s a bit unstable.
How To Tell If Your Boyfriend’s a Psycho: Hang on

Step 8: Hang on

If after all these little tests your guy hasn’t gone bonkers, hold on tight! You’ve found a keeper.
Ninety-two percent of American serial killers are men.