How To Cast a Love Spell

ilted by a would-be lover? Try a good old-fashioned hex and change his mind.

You Will Need

  • A pink candle
  • And a vase of pink flowers, like roses or gardenias
How To Cast a Love Spell: Light candle

Step 1: Light candle

After sunset, light the candle and place it next to the vase.
How To Cast a Love Spell: Say aloud ...

Step 2: Say aloud ...

Say aloud: “I ask the power of love and light to bring me opportunities for romance.”
How To Cast a Love Spell: Next recite ...

Step 3: Next recite ...

Next recite: “I affirm that I participate in love and that I am worthy of love.”
TIP-Legend holds that this spell works best on the Friday night before a full moon.
How To Cast a Love Spell: Then chant ...

Step 4: Then chant ...

Then chant: “I am open to love and ask that it come to me for the greater good.”
How To Cast a Love Spell: End by whispering ...

Step 5: End by whispering ...

End by whispering: “So be it and so it is.”
How To Cast a Love Spell: Blow out the candle

Step 6: Blow out the candle

Blow out the candle.
TIP-Wait at least one month before repeating the spell.
How To Cast a Love Spell: Keep flowers until they die

Step 7: Keep flowers until they die

Keep the flowers until they die. Once they’ve completely shriveled up, your new love should blossom! If it doesn’t, try again, but this time with a nicer vase.

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