French Kissing Tips - Learn How to French Kiss

French Kissing TipsOkay, french kissing is where deep kissing gets exciting. The first thing you should know when learning how to french kiss, is that it isn’t as hard as you think it is. After all almost everyone does it, so enjoy these french kissing tips and watch them work for you.
One thing that you will learn throughout these french kissing tips is that tongues are very sensitive, so as you learn how to french kiss you'll soon find it can be almost as exciting, if not more, than actual sex.

The tongue penetrating the mouth and the swollen lips of the girl, both replicate the sex act. Which is why when the two of you are in sync, just one quick thrust of your tongue between her lips, will almost wipe you both out with the depths of desire and sensation that you will experience.

Preparing for French Kissing

  • Make sure you are comfortable especially if this is the first kiss, and if you are just learning how to french kiss, because french kissing can last a wonderful long time (depending on how long you and your partner want to be deep kissing).
  • Lean in as though for a normal kiss, with your face tilted, so that your lips angle across each other.
  • Ideally both of you should tilt your face a bit to one side, so that it is easy to kiss.
  • Your noses should just touch and not connect straight on.
  • Part your lips slightly and place a normal kiss on her lips.
  • Keep it short and sweet to start with.

Getting Into the Ryhthm of Deep Kissing
  • Now draw her closer and get even more comfortable together.
  • Increase the pressure on her mouth.
  • Now pull back and look into her eyes, to make sure she is still interested.
  • Then drop your gaze to her lips again.
  • With your tongue trace the outline of her lips.
  • Then give her another all encompassing kiss again.
  • Next slowly swipe your tongue across her lips where they meet.
  • If she is interested and excited, her lips will part automatically (if they aren’t already).
  • Slowly slide your tongue a little way into her mouth.
  • Don’t push your way in, or be too aggressive.
  • Now caress her tongue in a light licking motion.
  • You can even suck her tongue gently.

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Warming up your French Kissing
Now that you have touched on french kissing it is a good idea to pull back your tongue and let her follow with her tongue, to explore your mouth. If she is hesitant or shy, you can whisper against her lips softly, ‘Give me your tongue’ to attempt to initiate the deep kissing.

To Continue - More French Kissing Tips
  • Explore her mouth (not her throat). Touch the roof of her mouth with your tongue.
  • At the same time, continue to caress and rub away her fears and excite her even further by stroking her back, shoulder or arms.
French Kissing Tips for Extra Sensation
  • Flicker the tips of your tongues together.
  • Rotate your tongue with hers in a circular movement.
  • Play chase between both your mouths.
  • Suck on her tongue, sometimes gently and sometimes hard.
  • Gently bite her tongue and then invite her to do the same.
  • Carry on for as long as you want, exploring each other’s mouths, all the crevices and corners.
French Kissing Tips for what NOT to do

  • Don’t be too pushy and aggressive.
  • Don’t force your tongue down her throat.
  • Don’t wave it roughly round and round in her mouth.
  • Don’t let your tongue go limp.
  • Don’t bite too hard, or bite at all if she doesn’t like it.
  • Stop often to check she is with you every lick of the way.
  • Don’t try it the first time you kiss her.

Saliva during French Kissing

Saliva is an all-important topic, because it can totally ruin it for you. So, here are a few french kissing tips to help you on your way:
  • Start with a dry mouth, not one that is already sopping wet.
  • Keep a tight control over the amount of saliva filling your mouth.
  • Try to push it back.
  • If you feel there is too much saliva in your mouth, pull away a little and swallow before deep kissing her again.
  • Under no condition slobber over her, or let saliva drip into her mouth.
  • Go slow until you have got the hang of controlling all the wet stuff.

Breathing while French Kissing Of all the french kissing tips we can offer, learning to breathe during french kissing is one of the more important ones. It is somewhat like learning to swim. Once you know it, you can’t forget it. The most obvious way to breathe is through your nose, so make sure you haven’t mashed it shut against her cheek.

If you desperately need to breathe, drawback a bit to look at her lips and take a few deep breaths. You might even make a little joke about forgetting to breathe, which could come off as cute.. and then you could move in for another kiss, but it you are concerned about being cool them by all means pass on that suggestion..

However, with a thorough review of all the french kissing tips and advice throughout this site, and a little practice you will be able to breathe with your mouth and nose, while kissing your sexy friend and driving him or her totally insane with excitement.

Intense or Relaxed French Kissing
For best results, it is good to vary the way you kiss. Intersperse different styles of french kissing for best results. Sometimes explore her mouth with your tongue, then retreat to allow her tongue the freedom to explore your mouth.

Not only will you be exciting and unpredictable in your french kissing but you will be a far better kisser, with a vast repertoire that will have all the girls begging for more. Go with the occasion: If you have a lot of space and privacy, then make the french kissing intense.

However, if you think you will not be alone for long, then go for a relaxed approach and a flurry of soft, sweet kisses, with maybe a quick tongue kiss and lip lick thrown in for good measure.

French Kissing Tips for Public Effect and Appropriateness

French kissing is not really something you would indulge in front of many older people (unless you were making a statement). That said, if you are with people your age and you and your date feel comfortable, you could share a few relaxed kisses.

However, I personally feel that aggressive and deep french kissing by its very exciting nature, is best reserved for more private occasions. But that again is a matter of choice.

Certainly you should not wait for a good night kiss to start french kissing, you can do it any time you want to – as long as you are comfortable and there is space and privacy.

Before you get into a total lip lock, it is a good idea to get the motor running, with a lot of touching and caressing and deep eye to eye contact. Learning from these french kissing tips should be an exciting and empowering process. Learn how to french kiss well by reading through this entire kissing coaching program. Visit the mens and womens chapters to learn french kissing tips for both guys and girls and more about how to french kiss comfortably and phenomenally.

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