Womens Hygiene and Personal Appearance

Good women's hygiene and personal appearance is not only essential to attract and keep the men, it is also a must for health reasons. Do a check list before you leave on a date, specially if you have kissing plans involved:

Women's Hygiene and Personal Appearance: Hair

Make sure your hair is nicely groomed and attractively styled.
It should be freshly washed and combed and does not smell bad.
Don't put any hair products in it (like mousse), because it will create a problem when he wants to kiss your hair.

Women's Hygiene: Breath / Teeth
Always, always brush before a date and brush your teeth and tongue well.
Take care of any necessary dental work, before you set out a-kissing.
Not only are bleeding gums and bad teeth ugly to look at, they can be a health menace and transfer unwanted germs to your partner.
Bad dental hygiene/ and or cavities can also result in bad breath.
Go armed with mints. Have one yourself and offer one to your date, so that kissing is a pleasant experience.
If you have chapped lips, start using a lip balm regularly before the DDay.
Don't kiss if you have a cold sore, you could transfer oral herpes which is very dangerous.

Women's Hygiene: Shower & Your Scent
A shower everyday and if you are hot and perspiring, have one before leaving for your date
Shave your arms and legs before your date. The smoother your skin, the more kissable it is.
Go easy on the perfume. It smells great, but experience proves that most of them taste bitter upon kissing.
Too much perfume is overpowering and makes you look desperate and cheesy.

Personal Appearance: Dress Sense / Clothes
Be a snappy dresser.
Very clean, nicely styled clothes that make you look great.
Jeans are fine, but not the smelly pair from last year.
Every man wants to go out with a well dressed, sexy girl. after all part of the fun is showing her off.
Consider it the other way around, would you like to go out with a badly dressed, dirty man reeking of after shave? I thought not ...

Kissing Tips for Women: Vocal Considerations

Communicate with him.
Talk about your interests.
Ask him what he likes.
Compliment him every day on something that you really feel is nice.
Admire him and tell him what you admire about him.
Tell him what a great physique he has.
What clothes really suit him.
Whether you like his hairstyle.
Tell him things like, 'I like you because ...'
My personal favorite is, 'You are different from other men because ...'

To end, a kiss is a gesture of great intimacy. It leaves us vulnerable and open to another human being, who can hurt us, with a few
careless words. We cuddle in each other's arms and seek refuge from the world. We breathe deeply of each other's skin and come close enough to show our flaws. We open our lips, our bodies and mind and welcome another, who a minute ago was a stranger, but will never be unknown to us anymore.

That is the power of a kiss. Just one simple lip to lip kiss.

Kissing Tips for Women: Facial Considerations

Don't be angry
Don't frown or worry.
Don't get stressed
Smile a lot.
Crack jokes and try too hard to be interesting.
Don't take yourself and life too seriously.
Look overly concerned (and feel it too).
Listen to him with interest.
Gaze at him, take in his features, drown in his eyes.
Be thoughtful and considerate.

Kissing Tips for Women:Physical Expression

Hug a lot without touching the erotic zones.
Cuddle together.
Walk holding hands.
Lace your fingers or play footsie every opportunity you get.
Slide one arm around his waist, or his around your shoulder.
When you walk through a crowded place, let him place a hand on your shoulder to guide you safely through. At the same time, that hand for you signifies possession and for him, it suggests protection. Your arm in his, signifies your trust in him.
Caress his cheeks.
Play with his hair.
Gaze deep into his eyes

In short, feel free to let your imagination roam and do what you want.

Kissing Tips for Women

You may have the best technique in the worlds but if in your heart, the man you are kissing means nothing more than a means to an end for you, then that is what will come across in your kiss.

Your kiss may be perfect in terms of placement of lips and tongue, but it will have the heart and soul missing from it. Just like someone playing the piano perfectly, but without any feeling at all, because without emotions no experience can be complete in

Detach yourself from the end result. Kiss him but with no expectations of what you want to happen next or how often you should kiss, as though you are both keeping score. Go with the flow and when your partner senses there is no pressure on him but to enjoy this moment and this kiss, he too will relax and the experience will become even better for both of you.

What's more he will be always willing to kiss you anytime, anywhere because you don't put any kind of pressure on him or have any great expectations, but capture and enjoy the moment for what it is.

How to Kiss Passionately...

A kiss by its very act cannot leave the other person untouched. There will be some feelings aroused through kissing and whether that feeling will be excitement or relief at the kiss being over is really up to you.

Time and time again, I stress the fact that you shouldn't rush your kisses. Take it slow, let the anticipation build, don't be in a hurry to experience everything in a nanosecond.

Once you are actually in the arms of the man you want, let time stop spinning on its wheel. Forget the world, the atmosphere around you. Concentrate only on the eyes, the face, and the lips in front of you and put everything you have into your kiss. If you want it to be soft, it will be a gossamer touch of lips. If you want it to be exciting it will be a touch and go kind of a kiss.

One moment your lips are on his, the next his are over your eyes, then trailing your jawbone and finally coming back to plant a penetrating kiss on your swollen lips.

As a woman who wants to be kissed, you will automatically tilt your face up to his in such a way as to make your lips the center of his attention and very attractive to him. When you offer him your lips, he'll bend down and take them.

So, the point I am trying to make is that your kiss will be what you want it to be; what you feel it to be and what you think it to be.
So if you are thinking passion, it will be passionate, if you are thinking fun, it will be fun... there are no manuals you need to learn how to kiss passionately.

Just go with the flow. Read his lips. Kiss him the way he's always fantasized about being kissed.

Women don't spend hours learning these tricks; they are born knowing it, just as men are born knowing how to seduce a woman
with their kisses. You don't have to think it out every step of the way. Let your lips do the talking and follow where they lead. Hug, caress and kiss your way to success with the fairer sex.

One last thing...

Generations of women have grown up on Mills & Boon, Silhouette and Harlequin romances, where the guy is not always handsome and appealing initially but is sexy and charismatic and after a number of problems, the love story always ends well.

The newer novels have many pages of steaming hot sex – and most are written by women – which should tell men something about the romance locked away in most women's soul!

Unfortunately, they have no way of knowing it. My advice: Buy him a few and ask him to read them so that he may unlock the secrets of your mind. Tell him to consider it a basic requirement before he can dream of seducing you. Once he has read a few of these romances, he will have a better understanding of what the female mind expects from the knight of her dreams...

Dating Relationships

So, you know a dozen men.

The guy at the café on the way to work, who always gives you the special smile, your co-worker at the office... Maybe the boy next door, who grew up to be this great hunk!

You know them all. Some a little, some a lot ...

Datng relationships (like men) come in all sizes and shapes. There is the casual earnest coming together of minds when you meet someone you know you are not going to meet again.

A psychological opening up because on one hand you know that this is the only chance you have and on the other that whatever you say and whatever you reveal will be safe, because in 'real' life there is virtually no chance of meeting again.

Shipboard romances, in-flight flirtations all fall into this category. Basically, any situation that shuts out the real world for a short time, the operative term being -- a short time.

Then there is the casual acquaintance, whom you think you 'know' because their face is familiar and you pass them often on the street, or see them on the bus or train.

But if you were to actually think on it, you'd realize there isn't much you do know about them, beyond their name ... if that.

Once again familiarity gives you a feeling of illusion. Then we progress to actually knowing a person better: from casual friendships (that are more than acquaintances) to deeper, meaningful dating relationships.

You fall in love, get infatuated. You lust, you fantasize ... wonder what his lips will feel like on yours, wonder how he isses...and hopefully that's exactly what he feels too.

Maybe you're already in dating relationships, and you're dealing with the swaying uncertainty of his commitment and attraction to you, and you need some ideas to help fire up his desire for you.

It's easy for you to rest comfortably with the assumption that he'll be there and stay with you, but then you'll lose his attention, he'll be off looking elsewhere, and you will be left baffled wondering how and why he slipped your grasp. Aaah!

You must spark up the fire between you from time to time. Not too often, but just enough to keep interest and create quality dating relationships. More so, you want him curious about what he hasn't discovered about you yet, and to feel a little fear that if he leaves you he might miss out big time on the sexier, more mysterious, and powerful side of you!

There are tons of ways to raise his eyebrows with simple gestures, looks, words, and communications, all of which are very essential in keeping that one special man's attention. I strongly recommend developing these skills of intrigue and enticement so that your dating relationships frequently sparks with explosive passion, and not dull uncertainty about what's going on.

One of the best resources I've found for very powerful 'bring him to his knees' tricks, is Bob Rassiter's Relationship Research. He has a book called “Drive Your Man Wild” and it's stuffed with great advice.

It also comes with two other free ebooks '69 Ways to Tantalize Your Man' and 'Herbs for Lovers' both of which will enhance you sex life 10 fold.

Special Note: If you prefer websites rather than ebooks I know of an incredible resource at: HowToWinAnExBack.com check it out because it's a total steel.

I'll often reference some other products, but ONLY if I know they are worth your time, and ONLY if I know they'll bring you results. Also, by giving you other great products to look at, you'll come to realize why this site is so unique and powerful.

You be the judge! On with the fun...

What Attracts a Man to a Woman?

So you're wondering what attracts a man to a woman? Ever noticed how so many ordinary, nothing really special women have the most fabulous of men hanging on to their every word and gesture. While a lot of good-looking girls, flit from man to man in an effort to get a relationship going.

It isn't difficult to attract a man, anyone can do that ... the trick is to keep him off balanced, hungry for more, always wanting. Mother Nature has presented you with an arsenal of tricks that can lure the man you want and get him to want you.

Now learn to do it in such a way, that you can have the man you want -- for as long as you want him: No getting ditched at the last minute, no losing out to the other woman.

Now you can be the Cleopatra of your life, the Helen of Troy in your sphere of influence and have the man you want, exactly where you want him. No woman can resist a challenge.

And no man can resist a flirt. But what's the point of getting the man you want, if he's going to lose interest and walk away, sooner rather than later?

What attracts a man to a woman? The trick is to lure a man, to seduce him with looks, touches and gestures, to get him wanting ... to keep him unbalanced and hungry for more. Everything you ever wanted to know about flirting, about touching and kissing to seduce and enthrall is in the following pages.

All you have to do is read and follow the tricks, tips and suggestions and practice them on the unsuspecting male you have decided is the Man for you!

So Why Was This Site Created?

There are lots of you that want to know exactly what attracts a man to a woman. Especially when they are so many books and web sites out there, all dedicated to the art of kissing and flirting, that can teach you the mechanics of everything you need to know? But that's just the point.

Would you rather know the nitty-gritty on how a car runs, or would you rather slide behind the wheel and drive away in a smooth rush of power.

Would you rather be mystery and romance, or just a pair of lips?

Be the girl of his dreams or the temporary girl on his arms? In these days of equality most women have forgotten how to be a woman. They have forgotten how to be romantic, how to flirt, how to package their sensuality and wage psychological warfare to spear the man they want.

They are so busy being equal and just like a man, that they have taken away all the fun and excitement of the mating game.

If I were to give you a present that you definitely wanted, but in such a way that there isn't much interest and excitement generated by it, would you like that? How about if I hinted at it, let the anticipation build and then presented you with a beautifully wrapped gift, which you had to delicately unrobe to get to the prize beneath.

Which of the two sounds exciting and mysterious? Which of the two do you want? And which of the two would you want to be?

What every Man Wants

What if I told you that every man secretly dreams, longs and fantasizes about the perfect gorgeous, sexy woman who'll be the one for him?

Smart, well dressed, cool in real life and sexy as hell in bed. Who kisses like a dream and is uninhibited in her desires. In short a woman of great power. What if I was to tell you, that in the battle of the sexes, you have got
your signals mixed up?

The end game isn't to end up alone, but with the man you want. So keep him guessing, blow hot and cold, keep him unbalanced and hungry for more.

What attracts a man to a woman? Kiss like a virgin. Kiss like a bride. Kiss like a Madonna and kiss open mouth and panting hot! Let him know you want him, albeit subtly. And watch the knowing light up his eyes, while you hood your own and act all innocent.

Give yourself permission to be wild and passionate, to let your guard down, to get under his skin and captivate him with play that is exciting and enticing. With kissing that is not mechanical but is the start of love making with a passionate edge.

French Kissing Tips - Learn How to French Kiss

French Kissing TipsOkay, french kissing is where deep kissing gets exciting. The first thing you should know when learning how to french kiss, is that it isn’t as hard as you think it is. After all almost everyone does it, so enjoy these french kissing tips and watch them work for you.
One thing that you will learn throughout these french kissing tips is that tongues are very sensitive, so as you learn how to french kiss you'll soon find it can be almost as exciting, if not more, than actual sex.

The tongue penetrating the mouth and the swollen lips of the girl, both replicate the sex act. Which is why when the two of you are in sync, just one quick thrust of your tongue between her lips, will almost wipe you both out with the depths of desire and sensation that you will experience.

Preparing for French Kissing

  • Make sure you are comfortable especially if this is the first kiss, and if you are just learning how to french kiss, because french kissing can last a wonderful long time (depending on how long you and your partner want to be deep kissing).
  • Lean in as though for a normal kiss, with your face tilted, so that your lips angle across each other.
  • Ideally both of you should tilt your face a bit to one side, so that it is easy to kiss.
  • Your noses should just touch and not connect straight on.
  • Part your lips slightly and place a normal kiss on her lips.
  • Keep it short and sweet to start with.

Getting Into the Ryhthm of Deep Kissing
  • Now draw her closer and get even more comfortable together.
  • Increase the pressure on her mouth.
  • Now pull back and look into her eyes, to make sure she is still interested.
  • Then drop your gaze to her lips again.
  • With your tongue trace the outline of her lips.
  • Then give her another all encompassing kiss again.
  • Next slowly swipe your tongue across her lips where they meet.
  • If she is interested and excited, her lips will part automatically (if they aren’t already).
  • Slowly slide your tongue a little way into her mouth.
  • Don’t push your way in, or be too aggressive.
  • Now caress her tongue in a light licking motion.
  • You can even suck her tongue gently.

dating sex
Warming up your French Kissing
Now that you have touched on french kissing it is a good idea to pull back your tongue and let her follow with her tongue, to explore your mouth. If she is hesitant or shy, you can whisper against her lips softly, ‘Give me your tongue’ to attempt to initiate the deep kissing.

To Continue - More French Kissing Tips
  • Explore her mouth (not her throat). Touch the roof of her mouth with your tongue.
  • At the same time, continue to caress and rub away her fears and excite her even further by stroking her back, shoulder or arms.
French Kissing Tips for Extra Sensation
  • Flicker the tips of your tongues together.
  • Rotate your tongue with hers in a circular movement.
  • Play chase between both your mouths.
  • Suck on her tongue, sometimes gently and sometimes hard.
  • Gently bite her tongue and then invite her to do the same.
  • Carry on for as long as you want, exploring each other’s mouths, all the crevices and corners.
French Kissing Tips for what NOT to do

  • Don’t be too pushy and aggressive.
  • Don’t force your tongue down her throat.
  • Don’t wave it roughly round and round in her mouth.
  • Don’t let your tongue go limp.
  • Don’t bite too hard, or bite at all if she doesn’t like it.
  • Stop often to check she is with you every lick of the way.
  • Don’t try it the first time you kiss her.

Saliva during French Kissing

Saliva is an all-important topic, because it can totally ruin it for you. So, here are a few french kissing tips to help you on your way:
  • Start with a dry mouth, not one that is already sopping wet.
  • Keep a tight control over the amount of saliva filling your mouth.
  • Try to push it back.
  • If you feel there is too much saliva in your mouth, pull away a little and swallow before deep kissing her again.
  • Under no condition slobber over her, or let saliva drip into her mouth.
  • Go slow until you have got the hang of controlling all the wet stuff.

Breathing while French Kissing Of all the french kissing tips we can offer, learning to breathe during french kissing is one of the more important ones. It is somewhat like learning to swim. Once you know it, you can’t forget it. The most obvious way to breathe is through your nose, so make sure you haven’t mashed it shut against her cheek.

If you desperately need to breathe, drawback a bit to look at her lips and take a few deep breaths. You might even make a little joke about forgetting to breathe, which could come off as cute.. and then you could move in for another kiss, but it you are concerned about being cool them by all means pass on that suggestion..

However, with a thorough review of all the french kissing tips and advice throughout this site, and a little practice you will be able to breathe with your mouth and nose, while kissing your sexy friend and driving him or her totally insane with excitement.

Intense or Relaxed French Kissing
For best results, it is good to vary the way you kiss. Intersperse different styles of french kissing for best results. Sometimes explore her mouth with your tongue, then retreat to allow her tongue the freedom to explore your mouth.

Not only will you be exciting and unpredictable in your french kissing but you will be a far better kisser, with a vast repertoire that will have all the girls begging for more. Go with the occasion: If you have a lot of space and privacy, then make the french kissing intense.

However, if you think you will not be alone for long, then go for a relaxed approach and a flurry of soft, sweet kisses, with maybe a quick tongue kiss and lip lick thrown in for good measure.

French Kissing Tips for Public Effect and Appropriateness

French kissing is not really something you would indulge in front of many older people (unless you were making a statement). That said, if you are with people your age and you and your date feel comfortable, you could share a few relaxed kisses.

However, I personally feel that aggressive and deep french kissing by its very exciting nature, is best reserved for more private occasions. But that again is a matter of choice.

Certainly you should not wait for a good night kiss to start french kissing, you can do it any time you want to – as long as you are comfortable and there is space and privacy.

Before you get into a total lip lock, it is a good idea to get the motor running, with a lot of touching and caressing and deep eye to eye contact. Learning from these french kissing tips should be an exciting and empowering process. Learn how to french kiss well by reading through this entire kissing coaching program. Visit the mens and womens chapters to learn french kissing tips for both guys and girls and more about how to french kiss comfortably and phenomenally.