Love Does Separate Us (L'Amour Nous Sépare)

Through all time, love has strung beautiful art,
 Does love now weave this vision in my heart?
 Have two stars been taken straight from the sky,
 Do they look back at me as I look into your eyes?
 Love does separate us in lands so far,
 Love does make this a trial so hard.
 May I ask for one night to shrink this land,
 May I have you just one night, just to reach your hand?
 If my wish I may have not, let us kiss with our minds,
 Let our words carry us together on winds of divine.
 Love does separate us in lands far away,
 But if love does ring true, I'll get to you some way.

Thank You

The sun sets
 Upon the golden sand
 We sit together
 Hand in hand

 We gently embrace
 And look into each other's eyes
 I wonder if you are
 An angel in disguise

 You hold me
 Like there's no tomorrow
 I suddenly forget
 The past sorrow

 I kiss your soft lips
 And you kiss mine
 I never knew
 Loving someone could be this fine

 You pick me up
 And carry me to our room
 Oh how a love can blossom
 And a heart can bloom.

 Your touch is so gentle
 But your hands so strong
 How could a love like this
 Ever go wrong?

 My heart is beating
 200 times a minute
 Because my love
 You are in it

 The sound of your heartbeat
 All through the night
 We fall asleep in each other's arms
 And wake to the morning light.

 I look into your eyes
 And this is when
 I say "Thank You"
 For teaching me to love again.

Love Letter

A fire that is carefully stoked and tended will not burn out.
 It will blaze so brightly that its warmth lingers in your heart.
 It will beckon your tired soul and embrace you in its radiance.
 The familiar smell of its smoke can bring a wistful smile,
 and the occasional blast of fireworks can take your breath away.
 Its sizzle can enthrall you; its flickering flames entrance you.
 The glowing embers provide comforting heat,
 and the knowledge that a subtle movement or gentle breeze
 can rekindle a bonfire.

 My love, the spark that ignited the day we met
 remains an eternal flame.

In Love

The day you appeared I lost my heart
 To you, to love.
 And from that day I cannot part
 From you, from love.

 You hold me tight
 To you, to love.
 In my thoughts all day and night
 Of you, of love.

 I offer all that I have to give
 To you, to love.
 And all my days I want to live
 With you, in love.

Love Spell

Every time I look at you
 my heart skips a beat
 I wonder if you know, my love,
 that my heart is at your feet
 I leave it there for you to do
 whatever that you wish
 You could take my heart,
 and love me,
 Or just leave me in this bliss.

When I First Looked Into Your Eyes

When first I looked into your eyes
 each breath became a thousand sighs.
 My heart drummed out a thunder beat
 I glowed with joy from head to feet.
 The hand of love had touched my soul,
 as the bell of destiny began to toll.
 The tide of love began to rise,
 the world was filled with summer skies.
 My sodden clouds of cold and grey
 glowed with gold, then wisped away.
 A brilliant rainbow arched across,
 as waves of love began to toss.
 The air was filled with lovebird cries,
 when I first looked into your eyes.

 When I first looked into your eyes,
 all time and space were paralyzed
 And in that instant, I was shown
 a universe I had never known.
 I dwell there still, in Paradise,
 when I look into your eyes.

One Special Night

As I sit here gazing out the window,
 Instead of working, I’m daydreaming of you...
 And wondering if while you’re in your own world,
 You’re thinking of me too.

 I reminisce about the day we met and how you made me feel,
 Looking at the glowing smile on your face,
 Staring into your dreamy blue eyes,
 Your smell, your touch, your warm embrace

 What a special night that was...

 And now, I’m starting to feel that warmth inside,
 Like nothing or no one else can make me feel...
 Butterflies, a constant smile, happy thoughts,
 Looking forward to the next time we meet.

 What lies ahead, down the road to love?
 Can it possibly be what I’ve been hoping for?
 All my goals, dreams, passions, hopes...
 Glaring now before me with great anticipation.

 No one knows what tomorrow brings...
 One can only wish and believe...
 I have abounding faith that God will take care of me,
 And bring the right person into my life.

 Could it be you?
 Time will tell...
 I feel a special bond starting between us,
 And so I’m truly hopeful that it is (you).

I Love Your Love

I love your dark eyes,
 And your curly hair,
 I love your smile,
 And the way that you care.

 I love your deep kisses,
 I love your soft touch,
 I love you, I love you,
 I love you so much.


Your lips, your eyes, your soul
 Are like a work of art,
 The most creative thing of all
 Is your beautiful heart.

 If you were a painting,
 No colours could express
 The beauty deep inside you,
 A rainbow, nothing less.

 If you were a sculpture
 The clay could hardly make
 Your figure of an angel
 Without one mistake.

 If you were a euphony
 No choir could really sing
 All the beautiful music
 Your eyes could possibly bring.

 So here I am, an artist,
 With inspiration beyond belief
 But to capture such rare beauty,
 I'd have to be a thief.


As I wake by your side,
 My feelings for you I can not hide,
 I touch your face in the morning light,
 Being with you just feels so right

 You make me feel like I'm a queen,
 Like being inside an awesome dream,
 Although this is real, that I know,
 As the love that surrounds us continues to grow

 I think of what the future holds...
 Marriage, children, us growing old,
 And as I lay, with you dear,
 I'm just so glad you're mine, you're here.

Deep As The Rose Is Red

I'll give you my heart; I'll open it up,
 Will you listen to its small still voice?
 For soft and quiet my heart will speak
 To the one I'll call my wife.

 Did you hear it dear? Did you listen well?
 Do you understand what it said?
 For deep is the love that it speaks to you,
 Deep as the rose is red.

 So, take my heart and treat it well
 And forever in this life,
 Come walk with me, your hand in mine,
 The one I'll call my wife.

A Love Like No Other

I never felt a love
 Like this before
 It's a love like no other
 Something I have always hoped for

 A love with friendship
 Humour and heart
 A bond so strong
 It would never part

 A love that makes you smile
 From ear to ear
 A love that is joyful
 Without any fear

 A love that is beautiful
 From the inside out
 A love with no tears,
 Pain, or doubt

 A love with soul
 So tender and true
 A love that I have found
 Only in you...

At Your Feet

Where are you tonight my love?
 What is it that you do?
 It's true my heart is torn apart
 When I'm not with you
 What enchanted thoughts swim through your head?
 Are any of them of me?
 When, my dear, you go to bed
 Is it my face you see?

 Who is honoured with your presence now?
 And do they even care?
 The thought of you not being admired
 Fills me with despair
 Do they appreciate your loveliness?
 Do they marvel at your splendor?
 Do they love to hear your velvet voice?
 Do they adore your smile so tender?

 If they do not
 Then they all are fools
 and had you been with me
 Every day, my love, you'd be a king
 because that's what you are to me

 I'm at your feet
 and I come with gifts
 my body, heart, and soul
 They're yours to do with as you please
 to command and to control

 I give myself with all my heart
 I'm yours for all of time
 Your slave, your queen, your anything
 only say that you are mine.

Poem For Sharon

Why is it that some people who find love,
 handle it with such carelessness?

 Some people search for love all their lives.
 When it is found, why put it down and forget about it,
 only to realize how much it meant when it is gone?

 When you find love, hold on to it,
 celebrate its feelings,
 drown in them every day,
 be consumed by them...

 I am consumed by you Sharon.

 I will never set aside my love.
 I will never look for it only when it is lost.

 I love you.
 I will show you and tell you every day.

My Angel

My sweet beautiful angel.
 Sent to me from above.
 I am so grateful to have found you,
 and I give you all my love.

 You must have come from heaven,
 because you have pretty little angel eyes.
 When you gaze at me with them,
 my heart begins to fly.

 Your sweet angelic voice,
 continuously rings in my ears.
 With you by my side,
 there is nothing I fear.

 Whenever we are together,
 You shine with a heavenly glow.
 Your beautiful angel face,
 raises me up from feeling low.

 Yes, heaven is missing an angel,
 because you are here with me.
 You're my sweet, beautiful angel,
 and I'll love you for eternity!

Coming Home...

How simple my life is now you are here,
 How I cherish each breath,
 How I crave the light and laughter you have brought me.
 I have fallen in love without taking a step,
 Fallen into the sweetest of dreams,
 How I hope no one wakes me.
 The simplest gesture wraps itself around my heart,
 Where I will hold it forever.

 Each time we say goodbye a part of me weeps,
 Though I know it is not forever
 To my aching soul it is an eternity.
 I see my happiness shine in your eyes,
 Every time you hold my hand my heart skips a beat.
 How sweet life is to be yours;
 How meaningless life is without you.

 They know nothing of the loneliness before you
 Nothing of the empty tears I cried day after day,
 How did you do it, I ask myself,
 How did you banish the fear, the darkness?
 You have made me see that nothing is that bad,
 That I am strong and worthy of happiness,
 You have saved me from myself.

 Everyday I wake up and smile to myself
 Knowing you are waiting for me,
 Knowing you can't wait to see me.
 How would I go on if you were not there to hold me up,
 To bless me with your love and light?
 How I am glad you have found me
 My life is now complete...
 I am home.

The Meaning Of Love

To love is to share life together
 to build special plans just for two
 to work side by side
 and then smile with pride
 as one by one, dreams all come true.

 To love is to help and encourage
 with smiles and sincere words of praise
 to take time to share
 to listen and care
 in tender, affectionate ways.

 To love is to have someone special
 one who you can always depend
 to be there through the years
 sharing laughter and tears
 as a partner, a lover, a friend.

 To love is to make special memories
 of moments you love to recall
 of all the good things
 that sharing life brings
 love is the greatest of all.

 I've learned the full meaning
 of sharing and caring
 and having my dreams all come true;
 I've learned the full meaning
 of being in love
 by being and loving with you.

Love Defined

What is love, but an emotion,
 So strong and so pure,
 That nurtured and shared with another
 All tests it will endure?

 What is love, but a force
 To bring the mighty low,
 With the strength to shame the mountains
 And halt time’s ceaseless flow?

 What is love, but a triumph,
 A glorious goal attained,
 The union of two souls, two hearts
 A bond the angels have ordained?

 What is love, but a champion,
 To cast the tyrant from his throne,
 And raise the flag of truth and peace,
 And fear of death o’erthrow?

 What is love, but a beacon,
 To guide the wayward heart,
 A blazing light upon the shoals
 That dash cherished dreams apart?

 And what is love, but forever,
 Eternal and sincere,
 A flame that through wax and wane
 Will outlive life’s brief years?

 So I’ll tell it on the mountaintops,
 In all places high and low,
 That love for you is my reason to be,
 And will never break or bow.

Love Me For My Love

Love me in the Springtime, when all is green and new,
 Love me in the Summer, when the sky is oh so blue,
 Love me in the Autumn, when the leaves are turning brown,
 Love me in the Winter, when the snow is falling down.

 Love me when I'm happy, and even when I'm sad,
 Love me when I'm good, or when I'm oh so bad,
 Love me when I'm pretty, or if my face is plain,
 Love me when I'm feeling good, or when I'm feeling pain.

 Love me always darlin', in the rain or shining sun,
 Love me always darlin', after all is said and done,
 Love me always darlin', until all our life is through,
 Love me always darlin', for I'll be lovin' you!

Love Me

Love me in the Springtime, when all is green and new,
 Love me in the Summer, when the sky is oh so blue,
 Love me in the Autumn, when the leaves are turning brown,
 Love me in the Winter, when the snow is falling down.

 Love me when I'm happy, and even when I'm sad,
 Love me when I'm good, or when I'm oh so bad,
 Love me when I'm pretty, or if my face is plain,
 Love me when I'm feeling good, or when I'm feeling pain.

 Love me always darlin', in the rain or shining sun,
 Love me always darlin', after all is said and done,
 Love me always darlin', until all our life is through,
 Love me always darlin', for I'll be lovin' you!


Love is like a lump of gold,
 Hard to get, and hard to hold.
 Of all the girls I've ever met,
 You're the one I can't forget.
 I do believe that God above,
 Created you for me to love.
 He chose you from all the rest,
 Because he knew I would love you best.