A Beautiful Summer’s Day

As I woke to the sun rushing through my window
 My mind was filled with thoughts of her
 As the sun filled my room with warmth it reminded me
 Of the warmth I feel from within her heart
 I walk outside into the beautiful warm sunshine
 A gentle breeze brushes softly against my face
 It reminds me of her soft kisses, her gentle touch
 I stand and close my eyes, I feel her hands touch me
 I feel her breathe softly on my neck
 I turn and as I take her in my arms
 I whisper softly
 What a beautiful day

Sea Of Love

I drown in the sea of love
 My first taste of ecstasy
 Swallowed up emotionally
 Physically and mentally

 Above me the lips of warmth
 The hands of caring
 And the body of need
 Below me the wings of passion

The Portrait

My whole life, it seems
 I've spent only waiting
 For the perfect man
 My mind's always painting

 I've searched and searched
 But the end's all alike
 I'll go to bed empty
 Sleep alone for the night

 Suddenly, my hopes grow limp
 My portrait fades to bland
 I realize that my search must end
 There is no perfect man

 But you proved me wrong
 You showed me what's right
 And handed back that paintbrush
 To paint again tonight

 But there is no need to paint
 My work is nearly done
 Because of him the colors returned
 The light of love has won

 My whole life of waiting
 Has someone to end my strife
 My dream has been accomplished:
 The portrait came to life

The Kiss Remains

Standing alone I sway
 Until she catches me in her arms
 She is warmth and love
 And she is longing and desire
 I turn my face to her
 And she catches my lips into hers
 She is the match that carries a glowing fire
 The solitary drink to quench my thirst
 And at long last she relieves me
 For just one minute she is mine
 The woman I have longed to hold
 Now holding me back
 I am completely taken from myself
 And thrust into this euphoria of her presence
 Then I wake
 My heart is weakened
 And my senses still numb
 Yet still I smile
 Because although the dream has disappeared
 The kiss remains

That Is Love

Love is a strange and beautiful thing,
 It spans time and space, distance is no object to love.
 You will wait forever for the one you love,
 Travel wherever you need to be with them.
 When you are in the arms of the one you love,
 That love can make a moment last a lifetime,
 Yet make a lifetime seem no more than a moment.
 When love is distant it grows strong,
 When it returns it flowers.
 People crave it, strive for it, fight for it, and die for it,
 And when they find it, they know they are complete.
 For in the arms of the one we love is wholeness,
 Belief, completeness, passion, and security.
 The one we love is someone for whom we would do anything,
 And never ask for anything in return.
 It produces a love of all that person is and will ever be,
 Regardless of what that may mean to me.
 Love knows that when you are away,
 That you are still loved, cherished, thought after, and missed
 By the one you love,
 And they know that you love them back.
 That is Love.

Roses For Rose

Red roses were her favorites; her name was also Rose,
 And every year her husband sent them tied with pretty bows.
 The year he died the roses were delivered to her door,
 The card said "Be My Valentine" like all the years before.

 Each year he sent her roses and the note would always say,
 "I love you even more this year than last year on this day,
 My love for you will always grow with every passing year,"
 She knew this was the last time that the roses would appear.

 She thought he ordered roses in advance before this day,
 Her loving husband did not know that he would pass away.
 He always liked to do things early way before the time,
 Then if he got too busy everything would work out fine.

 She trimmed the stems and placed them in a very special vase,
 Then sat the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face.
 She would sit for hours in her husband's favorite chair,
 While staring at his picture and the roses sitting there.

 A year went by and it was hard to live without her mate,
 With loneliness and solitude that had become her fate.
 Then the very hour as on Valentines before,
 The doorbell rang and there were roses sitting by her door.

 She brought the roses in and then just looked at them in shock,
 Then went to get the telephone to call the florist shop.
 The owner answered and she asked him if he would explain,
 Why would someone do this to her causing her such pain?

 "I know your husband passed away more than a year ago,"
 The owner said, "I knew you'd call and you would want to know."
 "The flowers you received today were paid for in advance,
 Your husband always planned ahead he left nothing to chance."

 "There is a standing order that I have on file down here,
 And he has paid well in advance you'll get them every year."
 "There also is another thing that I think you should know,
 He wrote a special little card he did this years ago."

 "Then should ever I find out that he's no longer here,
 That's the card that should be sent to you the following year."
 She thanked him and hung up the phone her tears now flowing hard,
 Her fingers shaking as she slowly reached to get the card.

 Inside the card she saw that he had written her a note,
 Then as she stared in total silence this is what he wrote.
 Hello my love I know it's been a year since I've been gone,
 I hope it hasn't been too hard for you to overcome.

 I know it must be lonely and the pain is very real,
 For if it was the other way I know how I would feel.
 The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life,
 I loved you more than words can say you were the perfect wife.

 You were my friend and lover you fulfilled my every need,
 I know it's only been a year but please try not to grieve.
 I want you to be happy even when you shed your tears,
 That is why the roses will be sent to you for years.

 When you get these roses think of all the happiness,
 That we had together and how both of us were blessed.
 I have always loved you and I know I always will,
 But my love you must go on you have some living still.

 Please try to find happiness while living out your days,
 I know it is not easy but I hope you find some ways.
 The roses will come every year and they will only stop,
 When your door's not answered when the florist stops to knock.

 He will come five times that day in case you have gone out,
 But after his last visit he will know without a doubt,
 To take the roses to the place where I've instructed him,
 And place the roses where we are together once again.

Fill Love

Love is when you miss him even before he's gone,
 When you could listen to him talk all night
 And never get tired of hearing his voice,
 When the sound of his name sends chills down your spine,
 And when you see his smile the second you close your eyes!

Secret Lover

Come into my heart dear one,
 Fill it with the warmth of your love,
 Brighten my days with your sunny smile,
 And fill my nights with unbridled passion.
 Lay with me under the starry skies,
 Whispering into my ear,
 Those sweet words of love,
 That only we two understand,
 Gently caress my trembling body,
 With deliberate, knowing hands,
 And cover my mouth with passionate kisses,
 That draw the very soul from my body.
 I live to be near you,
 To feel your gentleness.
 My world begins and ends in your arms.
 You give me such unbelievable joy and bliss.
 My heart, my wonderful, but secret lover.

The Rag Doll and The Teddy Bear - Love Quote

Once upon a time
 Through a door just down the hall
 In a dark, forgotten corner
 Of the playroom was a doll.

 She was only made of cloth,
 A rather simple work of art,
 But you could see where someone
 Had embroidered her a heart.

 It had faded from neglect
 And being lonely through the years,
 And she couldn't even cry
 Because she hadn't any tears.

 But then one day as she lay cold
 And silent on the floor,
 A teddy bear was tossed in
 Through the squeaky playroom door.

 As she watched him, he got to his feet
 And slowly walked her way;
 And her little red embroidered heart
 Came to life that day.

 He gently picked her up,
 And as he held her in his arms,
 He noticed a faint heartbeat
 And certain rag doll charms.

 So he took some thread and stitched
 A pretty twinkle in her eye
 And fixed her sewed-on smile
 Which had long-since gone awry.

 He brushed away the dust
 And cobwebs from her dress
 Then taught her about love
 In his fuzzy warm caress.

 Those two have stayed together
 Since that day so long ago;
 And when he looks at her today,
 He would hardly even know

 That his happy little rag doll,
 So content and satisfied,
 Was the same one he had found
 Cast so carelessly aside.

Be The Feast

The only way to navigate Love
 Is to be lost within it
 It is neither a beast to be conquered
 Nor a thought to be cornered
 You are a guest in its presence
 A voyeur in the dark
 So feast not
 Rather be the feast
 Worthy of legends
 For there is no sweeter ecstasy
 Than the nectar
 That is the yearning of your heart

Two Hearts

Two hearts intertwined...
 Different views...
 Different dreams...
 Different needs...
 Different wants...

 Bound by a fragile string called LOVE...
 Union as willed by GOD...

 A journey in life...
 May be pounded by the forces of nature...
 May be struck by the fiercest lightning...

 Yet two hearts bound by a delicate twine...

 STRONG enough...
 To stand the test of time.

The Wedding

Discard the monocle, embrace the binocs
 Stop the search for single socks
 Heat the pot, for two for tea
 No longer I, but we

 Treasured discourse, is your new domain
 Of equal value, verse or plain
 Banished for ever, soliloquy
 No longer I, but we

 Tire less, when you climb the stairs
 Easier now, they scale in pairs
 And at their top, you’re sooner to be
 No longer I, but we

 And when to mop your fevered brow
 Relief’s pursued, with four hands now
 Half the time, to make pain-free
 No longer I, but we

 But give some thought, although now two
 To magical times, when you were you
 Abandon them not, in their entirety
 More weld them to, your new found we
 And in this state, forever be
 No longer I, but we

What Is Love?

Love is a shy smile,
 a sweet hello,
 a soft caress...

 Love is two hands entwined,
 a lingering kiss,
 a swelling of the heart...

 Love is undeniable,
 and what every heart yearns for...

First Love's First Kiss

There is nothing better
 Than an autumn breeze
 To liven that brisk cold air that
 Lingers in the late afternoon
 Of a beautiful day;

 A day in which I'll never forget
 When you led me to the woods
 Beyond the giant pond;
 The trees ahead opening up
 To make for us a clearing to enter.

 And with the warm sun at our backs
 We accepted the invitation
 And walked through this door of life,
 The birds and squirrels
 Making way for us.

 And in those woods we crept
 Through crunching leaves that timidly
 Broke the silence.
 I found a little space
 Where leaves covered the ground
 And moss grew quietly.

 There we sat
 And spoke of things that mattered--
 Not just words to fill the silence.
 Ordinarily I hated silence
 But this day I treasured it.

 After a few awkward minutes of hearing
 Only the wind through the trees,
 You took my hand--
 And I smiled as your fingers
 Danced with mine.

 And then you kissed me
 And I took it willingly,
 As my heart raced with joy.
 I gazed into your welcoming eyes,
 Never wanting to look away.

 And there we kissed, as the
 Breeze blew and the sun disappeared.
 Love knows no boundaries
 And this counts especially for time.
 The hours passed without care,
 And so did my worries for all else.

 I displayed the delicate bouquet of
 Leaves that I intertwined with
 Great care, as a tribute to our bond
 That made me feel whole.

 I touched your face and was pleased with its softness.
 You asked me what I was thinking about
 And I was shy and hesitant in my response.
 I finally surrendered honestly to my pride, replying
 With "how I could stay here forever."
 You smiled, and my heart melted with ease.

 We sat there, embraced in warmth until
 Darkness emerged, reminding us that
 Time passes even while standing still.
 And so we rose to leave this world,
 Which I insisted must be a dream.
 I wished to bottle this magic
 So as to hold and cherish it forever.

 We stood finally, attempting to depart
 From this wooded splendor.
 We made our way, hand in hand, out from
 Beneath the trees that so kindly
 Sheltered our innocence
 And back into the busy world of reality
 That inevitably awaited our return.

 Now conscious of our surroundings:
 A society too often blind of any other forms of love--
 I desperately stole one last kiss.
 My heart continued to beam with this
 New energy... this new light...
 That failed not to glow.

 And I thought how, at this very moment,
 My life as I knew it could perish
 And crumble beneath my feet...
 And I will have died
 Fulfilled and complete.

Love Quiet Admiration

My soul forms the words,
 My heart ensnares them,
 Locking them in its warm chambers,
 My mind knows these words,
 And my fingers write these words,
 Yet my lips,
 The dastardly things
 They find no valor,
 And can not form the words.

 How is it that I can feel these words,
 With so much hope and admiration
 Just for you,
 Yet my lips can not speak them
 To tell you
 Of your shy smile
 And your crystal eyes?
 I am enamored by you,
 By your words and your laughter.

 You leave me breathless,
 As the air leaps out of my mouth,
 Twirling and bowing to your charms,
 Enchanted by your congeniality.
 Your face is imprinted in my mind
 Never leaving,
 Never fading.
 Your smile warming my heart,
 And your eyes entrancing my soul.

 I wish I could form my feelings
 Into articulate words
 Of love and wonder
 And tell you of my feelings,
 Let you know of my aspiration
 To be held securely in your arms,
 Where I long to be,
 Sitting serenely with you,
 Basking in the sweet resonance of stillness.

 But I know that wish is unattainable,
 Far out of my reach,
 Yet I admire you still,
 Yearning that one day you'll notice me
 As more than just a girl
 But as a young woman
 Whose heart you've whisked away
 Into the perpetual sky,
 Floating along the clouds.

 And everyday I linger
 Hoping for some acknowledgment,
 A fleeting look or a petite hello.
 Perhaps to even hear you speak my name
 Would bring warmth to my heart
 And joy to my days
 As I wait for you to discern
 That I, quietly,
 Admire you.

My Sweetheart

So often when I am embracing you,
It seems that you exist in this world
only because of me and I exist because of you.

It's not easy to wander in this world
and not lose one's way,
but the greatest happiness of all
is in giving joy to one's beloved.

And if the king can have his throne,
and if the bird can have his Spring nest,
and God can have his heaven,
then I, my sweetheart, I can have you!

You are my air
The sun in my day
The moon in my night
The spring in my step
You are my everything.

You are the stars in the sky
The birds in the trees
The shimmer, the sparkle, the shine.

Without the light you put into my life
I would be nothing
A single leaf on the ground in autumn,
Lost, forgotten, alone.

Before i knew you,
I was nothing.
Now I am everything,
With you at my side,
I am invincible!

Feel the same my baby,
You are loved so much,
I love you now and forever
You are my darling, my baby, my love
You are my everything
I love you so much.

A Love For All Time

Breathless kisses
Burning touches
Soft-spoken words of love
Urgently spoken words of passion.
A man and a woman
One complete love
Since time began
Predestined to be as one.
We've been together before
In other lifetimes
We've fought dragons
And have been torn from each others arms
Yet our love prevailed.
We've walked on this earth many times together
Perhaps for a moment
Perhaps for years
But our heart is one heart
And we were meant to be.
So when our time on earth
Once again comes to a close
Have no worries my dear
For we will find each other again
And again
And again.
For our love is ageless
A love for all time.


I lie on the ground,
and stare into space,
the stars start to move,
into the shape of your face.

I see you there now,
looking down at me,
with that cute little smile,
that I like to see.

You say "close your eyes",
"tell me what you see",
I see only two people,
just you and me.

We're walking the shoreline,
with our feet getting wet,
the horizon turns pink,
as the sun starts to set.

We make love through the night,
on that white sandy shore,
then I hold you while thinking,
I could want nothing more.

Oh I wish I could be,
in that one special place,
as I lie on the ground,
and I stare into space...

A love poem for Katrina

She is definitely one of the most beautiful women in the Hindi Film industry. However, no one has ever written a love poem for Katrina, she believes that love is the only beautiful thing in the world. The actress wishes that Gulzar saab would write one for her.

Recently at the launch of Pritish Nandy’s book ‘Love Poems’ she says, “Nobody has ever written a poem for me. But if actually someone writes a poem for me, I think that will be very romantic.”

She was looking her best in an off-white knee length dress, Katrina, 26, surprised everyone present there saying, “I want Gulzar saab to write poems for me.”

Gulzar, 74, has written many poetry books and innumerable songs, was also present at the event. He said, “Inshallah, I would write a poem for Katrina for sure.”

The entire event was about love poems, and it was obvious that everyone wanted to know Katrina’s views on love and romance. The actress obliged everybody by sharing her views.

“Even though love is known to entail pain, disillusionment, disappointment, still I don’t want to be pessimistic about love. I would rather want to have a positive approach to love. I believe that there can be a happy ending, because love is the most beautiful thing in the world,” said Katrina.

When media asked her about her Valentine’s Day plan she said, “No plans, I will be working on that day.”